Friday, November 01, 2002

I managed to figure out Yahoo all by myself!
My new email, according to them, heh, is pischina_1 at
(NO SPAM! hahahaha)
Anyway, thank you so much Telutci, and everyone else!
Someone send me something to test it, hee hee, but I probably won't be back on the computer until possibly late tonight.
Happy Weekend to you all!!
Pischina: I freed up an account for you, and someone swooped in and grabbed it before you replied. I swear, I could make money off this ihateyahoo thing if I wanted to. Anyway, I'm pretty sure we can get your pacbell mail through a webmail account. How in the world are we gonna get the info to you without mail, though? If you say "yes" to me, I'll free an account for you at You can go there, sign in, and open the free account on your own in about a minute. Then I'll email you the step-by-step steps for getting to your pop mail. So let me know. Good luck!
Damn Dingos!!!!!
But actually, they did return my piano 24 hours later, so the piano is now safe again.

Kinetix, I know you and the other Survivors blew up my house, I told you I'M SORRY about poking you with my electric stick, but you guys didn't have to throw it in my bathtub, JEEEEZ.

On the other hand, Mike seems to know an awful lot about running away after lighting fuses, Mike, was that you I saw running from my house last week???

Re: email, I had a account. I don't know my isp or pop thingie or anything else. If anyone can help me that would be wonderful. Any other email would be wonderful too, I just only have about 1/2 hour of computer time a day. When we find a new home though, I'll have my email back again. Email me with any info.... oh wait, never mind.

And last: I want to be Alliance Member #13!!!!

Thursday, October 31, 2002

Pischina, I will gladly, happily set you up with a webmail account at, where you can also access any other pop-mail accounts you might have. Let me know if you want it. It's ad-free and pretty fast for webmail.
I'm very happy to say I did get a chance to vote - with extreme speed-reading involved, but I did a good job.

Also, I do not have email right now (unless anyone knows how I can get my Outlook email without my home computer?), but I just figured out how to get back into the Yahoo Judges Group (may seem easy, but I'm a computer ignoramus, so please excuse me, heh) and ANYWAY, I just saw a few very kind messages from you all and I wanted to say thank you very very much.

So that was a very long run-on sentence...

Anyway, yeah, you can email Mocksie to get my address if you like, but don't send me any email because I just can't get it. I'm glad I can at least talk to people through the blogs!
Wah Wah Wah...

So ends my whining for today.
P.S. Has anyone seen my piano? The piano movers picked it up last night at 6pm and it still hasn't arrived at its destination 5 miles away....

Wednesday, October 30, 2002

KLo you leave my Jonny alone!
Sinny, I'll kick your ass if you touch him!
I'm VERY grouchy these days, now leave my men alone!
Or I'll dig my Electric Stick out from the rubble and zap you all with it!
KLo, at first I thought you were asking me for my WAIST size, and I'm like, uh, NO I'm not posting my waist size on the internet!!!
But then, Oh.
So, no measuring tape around, but I wrapped the top of an 8x11 paper around it with an inch to spare. So I guess around 7-1/2 or around there, no bigger.
Jonny, hook up my cable when I find a new home and I'm yours forever.

And I'm hoping I'll have time to read the IC's this week, so if I'm lucky I'll get to judge this time!
My lucky streak is about to kick in soon, right?

Tuesday, October 29, 2002

Mike, I feel a whole lot better knowing it was the Survivors who blew up my house, instead of me just forgetting to unplug my electric stick.

Sunday, October 27, 2002

Surely, I am going to hell now! I made 2, count em t-w-o, errors when sending the results for TC#3 out.
- First, I misspelled Council as 'counil'
- Second, I said that the contestant poll asked "which contestant should be voted out for Tribal Council # 2" - when in fact it was TC#3.
Throcky, I am such a bad student.