Thursday, May 02, 2002

I haven't missed a single vote. Sure, my picks are usually irrelevant, and I tend to throw away votes on people simply because they amuse me. This time around, most of them were VERY good and VERY heavy. And I decided to go with merely amusing again.

On the other hand, I've hated plenty of entries that tried waaay too hard to be cute. So don't take this as a hint on how you can win me over.
Jeez Louise,
How do I pick ONE entry to vote for in IC#6???
These are all fantastic!!!
I wanna vote for all of them.

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

I can only speak for myself. I voted in the last IC, for tvzero. (I found his portrayal of Ravenword to be very accurate. See I told you I would announce my votes.) I loved all the entries though, seriously. I can't force the judges to vote. So, don't blame me contestants! I give everyone plenty of time to vote and send reminders. I do know that 2 or 3 of the judges had ISP problems, but only after closing the polls did I receive that info. So, to paraphrase, don't blame me.
Thank you.

Sunday, April 28, 2002

As for Diary Survivor, I think almost everyone did an amazing job on the IC's this week.
Where are ya'll?
So Zoe got the boot last week,
And ya know, I was expecting that she would look much better on her interviews after,
Like all the other contestants are.
But uh, she wasn't, heh.