Friday, April 12, 2002

I'm going to come here early and say... Wow.
This one was hard for me to judge because there were three here who I think did a really great job.
And I may change my vote, haven't decided yet.
But those three were really good.
My test results were "Survivor Mastermind"
Does that mean if we don't vote we get spankings from the lovely Meg?
The polls are going to be deserted...
I'm telling you Heather, when I think of myself at your age - I see me. {Does that make any sense? I swear I have lost that ability - you know to articulate my thoughts. uh-huh}

Tel, honey, baby, I think everyone knows you're really Mark Burnett - or they should figure it out pretty soon. I won't laugh at you. I might laugh with you, but not at you. Well, if you tripped or fell, I would say: "Telutci, are you okay?" And when you replied: "Yes, I'm fine." - then I'd laugh. That's what my Dad taught me many years ago: ask if the person is okay first, then laugh.

And lovely judges, the polls for the 4th IC are now open. Yahoogroups is being a bitch and is taking forever to post my message.
I'm outta here for a while. Behave while I'm gone or I will spank you all!
I don't wanna tell 'cause you'll laugh.
And I'm still waiting for responses to last night's Survivor episode. Email me or post here with a ----spoiler----- space.
Very amusing test! My strategy was revealed as - "The Sage"
What was yours Tel? Everyone else, take it and post your results!
Okay,'s something FUN for a change! Emode has a Survivor Strategy test! It's a hoot, and it's actually pretty revealing. I at least can't argue with my results.

I'd love to post this on the contestants blog too, but I don't think they'd have me. Maybe I'll send it to Kathy. She'll do it. She'll do anything...
I like Telutci's idea about a mini match against the judges. Hell, I'd even be willing to write the IC entries a long with the contestants. But then, I had to take the semester off to play Nanny to my siblings - and get this tremor business taken care of, so I have the time. Tel, how would the contestants vote? Vote us off or for IC's? I've always wanted to participate in DS, but I can't accept my own application. haha. Or do I host the mini-Survivor also?

Did anyone watch Survivor last night? Without spoiling anything - major suckage. If you comment, leave some spoiler space, because some of us tape it and watch later in the week. I thought it was funny that Jeff Probst was wearing that cowboy hat again. He was all smiling - I think he likes that hat, probably because it doesn't have the Survivor logo on it. Usually they make him wear the "Survivor" baseball caps that Burnett sells at the cbs Survivor store. Poor Jeffy. Seriously click on that link (it takes a while to load) and look at Jeff's poor mug hawking caps.

So, is the tension between the DS3 judges and contestants clearing yet? I hate that whole vibe. It makes me want to hand the reigns over to Tel and run screaming - maybe to Alaska.

Thursday, April 11, 2002

This is a place for the judges to openly discuss the contest. I'm glad the contestants have a place to do the same. I will not take sides. I am enjoying reading the IC entries and the contestants diaries. I don't have any specific voting technique. I read through each one, and it just happens - one of the entries touches me somehow and I place a vote. I don't think rating the entries is a good idea, but I don't think the person who suggested it meant any harm. I like when the judges and contestants throw their thoughts out there. I don't enjoy the arguing, but I guess it's all part of the game.

The judges do put a lot of work into the contest. Just as the applications for DS3 starting to pour in, I became pretty ill. I thought of postponing or canceling the contest. However, the judges stepped in and took over until I was well enough to return. Without them there would not be a DS3. I don't deserve as much credit as you may think.

The contestants put a lot of work into this game as well. The contest requires a large amount of time from everyone involved. I appreciate all of you, judges and contestants for putting forth the effort to participate in our little game. I'm having a blast! Some of the drama is even amusing. It bothers me that so many people seem unhappy with the contest. I'm trying to make this fun for everyone. Let's get through this and try to enjoy. I'm not so sure about another installment of Diary Survivor, so get all those feelings out in the open. Rant/vent/laugh/cry. And let me know if you (judges or contestants) have any questions or concerns.

Wednesday, April 10, 2002

As for ranking?
But sometimes I have had trouble deciding between 2-3 of them, and I wish I could say "Hey, you did great! I thought this other was just a tad bit better, but you should be proud too..."
Maybe when this is all over we should list certain IC's that we did like even if they didn't win.
Because even though some of us are bitching about quality, there certainly are some good ones too, even the ones who haven't won.
I would *never* vote Meg off!!!
Who would dare run this thing without her???
She has all the respect in the world from us, we know what she's gone through now that we've been on both sides of the fence!
I'm with Yelnad. The way I sift through ICs is I look for the people who are clearly trying to win immunity. I don't think anyone sets out to write a crappy IC, but some people are doing it because they "have to" and some people are trying to actually win the prize that comes with it. It's obvious which is which. Of those people, I rank the same way Yelnad does. The reason it would be hard to "rank" all the entries is, those who aren't trying to win immunity fall into a big black hole. They'd all tie for last place. I could rank "win, place, and show" but that's as far as I think I could go.

I know the players are gonna all get bunchy now and say they're ALL trying to win. But's just like on the TV show. You can see who is hauling ass to WIN, and who is just dragging their ass to COMPETE. Big difference. They all keep complaining about the Oscar IC -- but who honestly looked like they *cared* about winning it? Nobody. At least not most of them. They simply didn't care. It was obvious to all of us, and it's obvious it was obvious to them the way they keep bitching about it.

Tuesday, April 09, 2002

Remember the mock-poll I put up for DS2, when I asked if you would honestly vote me off if you could? And then I set it to show your identities and posted the results at the diarysurvior list. Was anyone pissed at me? haha.
Regarding layout - can someone help me out. I like the simple format, but I'd love a picture on the left hand side - maybe even the one of Jeff Probst snuffing a torch out! I could find one larger than the one at yahoogroups. I think the original had Branden (of DS3) in it. I don't have a place to host the pic either. I really should get a dland gold membership! As soon as I pay my phone bill. heh.

Monday, April 08, 2002

Yelnad, you ARE sweet. So there.
The whole contest is supposed to be "all in fun" - so everyone behave!
For those who actually watch the real Survivor, come discuss last week's episode at my new blog. Leave comments, prove to me that I'm not the only one obsessed and stalking Jeff Probst. And hey, Milkmaid actually saw Jeffy at a party and did not tell him to call me. *sobs* Will someone tell Mark Burnett that they need me on that show? I may not be pretty enough for TV, but I would amuse everyone (and pimp dland.) haha.

Now that the contestants have their own blog can we expect a huge war?