Saturday, October 19, 2002

Congratulations July!
The one part I hate about showing the Survivors the vote count is when people get 0 votes and then think that no one liked their IC.
ALL the Survivors did great on this IC, but we can each only vote for one, please remember that!
Alternamommy and Matt, you guys were in my Top 4. But everyone did outstanding.

Friday, October 18, 2002

***SPOILER ALERT for any Judges who happen to be in China and unable to watch TV Survivor***

Stephanie the Anti-Social Firefighter was booted off Thursday night.
I thought she was great, and I loved her arm muscles!
I interrupt this Judges Blog to say that Meg is the Sweetest, Kindest, most Generous and Beautiful Sweetie ever!!!!!!
Thank you Meg, you know what for, and I absolutely LOVE it!
And shame on you guys who voted her most evil, I am WAY more evil than Meg!
Ladee Leroy is scaring the Survivors, according to their blog, heh heh heh...

And Yelnad, there's no way I'm telling who got booted last night, I did that once last season and SinnyMinnie about gave me a whuppin'.
And not a nice one, either.

:-) (See Sinny? I learned my lesson!)
I'm really going to miss (Booted TV Survivor). She was my favorite!!!
Robb really needs to go, can you even imagine him making it to the top 3??? I'm going to scream at my TV if he makes it much further.
And Erin, what is she there for except because she has those humongous knockers? Is having humongous knockers a reason to stay on the island? Maybe I need to get me some. Nah, hers are just waaaaay to big for me. I couldn't do it.
And I'd hit Jan with a coconut before I hit Clay - But Clay annoys the heck out of me too.
Kath, did you know the car salesman is also a soft porn star?
Wonder how big *his* penis is?
And Jonny - See? You're only #2 to KLo. Just remember, you're #1 with ME.

Thursday, October 17, 2002

Oh Jonathan you are going to get SUCH a spanking when I get to LA.
Okay, so my car transmission blew up this week and I'm not driving to the grocery store much less to Los Angeles, but I am saving my money for an AMTRAK ticket so you just better watch out. You're MINE!!!! MINE MINE MINE!!!!

Everyone don't forget, TV Survivor is on tonight!!!
I wonder if Jeff Probst is going to be cranky again?

Meg, from the few pictures I've seen of you there is a slight resemblance to the girl from White Oleander but you are really way prettier. One day you'll send me a very nice picture of yourself, riiiiight?
Someone voted me most evil!
K. Lo, say it ain't so. I grossed you out? Let me go cry in a corner now. ha.
Since you can only vote once on those polls, I considered voting for myself, then chose TvZero instead - because he is evil. He seduces all the dland chicks. So, who the hell placed a vote for me? Me, evil? Let me cry more. Am I evil judges? Well, you know my idol is Jeff Probst.

Pischina, why do you refuse to share Jonny? Meanie! No one wants me. *sobs* waaaaah. Someone told me that I look like the girl (daughter) from the movie "White Oleander" today, when she has her hair dyed brown. Is that a good or bad thing? I can't find any pictures to link to. So, now I have to see the movie and decide if it was a compliment or a diss.

Judges, do your job and send me more IC topics, or I will paddle you all!
Well I was *hoping* I could get most evil judge but I don't have one vote yet, waaaaah!!!!
What do I have to do to be considered evil around here???
And Meg I told ya I'd share Genghis with you. Not Jonny though, he's mine from way back.
Mine Mine Mine Mine....

Wednesday, October 16, 2002

I agree, the contestants kicked ass on IC#2. Now how could anyone say LadeeLeroy is evil after she gave us such a fun topic?
How do you like the new poll? Thanks to Telutci for creating it.
And I say keep the flirting on the blog. Pischina, stop stealing my men though! I'm going to vote you as most evil judge if you don't back off.
Wow, those IC's all certainly had a LOT of thought and work put into them. I won't say who I voted for until the results are posted, but I hard a hard time choosing between four of them, and I may even change my vote later.
They were all outstanding though.
Hmmm... I was expecting a much bigger penis drawing after reading KLo's post about it.
I guess us DS2 Survivors had much larger sights on *our* island...

And I can see this blog going right down the toilet.

Ummm... How about that World Series?
*kiss* *kiss* for Mike.
We're still here! Just busy reading all the ICs.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Oh I'm so glad "Punch Drunk Love" has the approval by TVZ! I was hoping it would be good!

As for the Ghandia episode, I don't think any of the shows this season has been too full of great drama, so if you're busy, don't bother, you haven't missed much. This season does have the makings of some great drama as it goes on though, those Survivors are WAAAY cranky!!!

Well I for one am happy that Diary Survivor 4 is fully under way. I can't wait to read the next IC entries.
You look pretty cute yourself Jonny, now come on over here and tell me about the newest sexiest date movie that will have all us girls turning to mush in your arms at the movie theater.

And is anyone else who watches TV Survivor glad Ghandia's gone? There will be less drama now, but wow was she irritating.
Oh Jonathan, of course I'm still your woman, I just didn't want to post it here, Meg gets awfully jealous, you have no idea!
But did you know she and I are forming our own mommy/daughter stalking team and we have you tops on our list!
So beware those knocks on the door late at night....
I just skimmed through the entire Contestant's Blog for the first time.

I loved this:
"Sportsmanlike Survivor Contestant's Declaration of Independence"
That whole Declaration should be up on the DSurvivor page.

Saw a picture of Gingerbug and now I'm in love...
Holey Moley!!!

And overall I'm just pleased with all the great attitudes and hope they do continue. It's not that we judges expect or *want* the contestants to fight, we just know that eventually this game does put a lot of pressure on you. Even as judges there were arguments last year. The whole alliance thing was a big deal with us too.

Each Survivor Year has been slightly different. Last year was the Alliance, in DS2 we had our Evil Stalker.
I just hope this year is fun and enjoyable for everyone.
Especially for Meg, who we all need in order for Survivor to continue.

Now I am off to poke Kinetix in hopes that he will try to bite me...
Since Judge Mike isn't trying to kiss ME....
(*sob* I feel so unwanted!!!)